As IMVU celebrates 15 years of igniting friendships and creative expression, we’re committed now, more than ever to empower our community to connect on a deeper level.

With this promise, we apply our history, support our present and chart our future.


The Promise of IMVU

IMVU is, and has always been about you, and the entire community.

You and the IMVU community define what IMVU is by interpreting how it’s used and which memories are made. We celebrate your creativity and your liberty to express it. We are passionate about offering a safe, comfortable environment that supports a real community of unique voices. 


Our Priorities


We Care About Responsibility

Responsibility is personal. IMVU provides a platform that supports the freedom for users to share thoughts and engage in topics that matter to them the most.  Accordingly, individual users are responsible for their individual actions and we expect everyone to represent themselves honestly, exercise cordial demeanor and engage in appropriate behavior; regardless of what that means to those participating.


We Care About Belonging

Visiting a world where expression is unconfined and deep conversations are encouraged, can be an emboldening experience. Users should always feel comfortable in their interactions and should familiarize themselves with the various tools that help them find a space that fits their interests best.


We Care About Creators

The creative spirit of IMVU is what makes our space so unique. We owe that to our talented creators, and the loyal followers that support them. Our marketplace will always be designed to support a rich ecosystem where creativity, supported by community review, is rewarded and promoted.


We Care About Diversity

IMVU welcomes a global community of users and their unique contributions. We believe all users benefit from respecting international perspectives and by honoring the race, religion, and sexual preferences of others.


We Care For Privacy

On IMVU, trust is paramount. We respect the information you share and we limit the information required to participate. We believe in supporting anonymity, which helps our community celebrate their individuality without fear of reprisal.  IMVU is committed to protecting sensitive data.

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Reflecting on our spirit and enforcing our priorities, IMVU promises we will encourage responsibility, promote belonging, ensure comfort, celebrate creators, respect diversity and protect your privacy.
